#Direct connection (no proxy server)&Proxy server used. Type proxy address:Username and password╧When you want to access a FTP server, you need to send your username and password; however some FTP server allows anonymous conections. Refer to FTP server owner to know if you can access anonymously or not.Login required Username: Password:
Save passwordAnonymous login"Keep alive" tricköSome FTP servers use to disconnect user if no action occurs in a given time. This trick teases servers so you won''t be disconnected by server side.Enable "Keep-alive" trick┼When idling, FTPGenius will send a "PWD" command (without a practical effect) every 20 seconds. The trick automatically disables when a transfer is in progress and enables again when transfer ends.(Remote initial directory and port number╘Some FTP servers allow browsing just from a subfolder, not from their root directory. If this is your case, write your initial remote folder, or just leave "/" to start from root. Write port number (default: 21).Initial folder: